A garden
The best time one spends with children Moreoften than not is when they run Running can be a part of play or it may be without a reason This can be that pinch of exercise needed for every season The best place of course is in the open air Here one can be oneself without the mask on the face which he carries everywhere The child plays with parents and grows up learning to be fair In the process the parents also become a child, shouting and laughing, totally unaware All this requires a major sacrifice from parents side 'Time' from their preoccupied schedule, for everyone is almost died on their return -home ride Proper planning can however turn favourably this unusual tide This will definitely work in binding the relationship which visibly has become wide Today's life in urban areas have become quite complex No complaining others, as house today means only a duplex The necessities have just gone over the roof, where everybody wants to be Rex Even the expectation are unbe...