
Showing posts with the label Independence Day

Independence Day

This Independence Day, we celebrate with so much enthusiasm and zeal For we are lucky to have a proper shelter, enough clothing and daily meal We shake hands, greet each other merrily and even plan an outing for this day For we are 'Free' for this day from the routine chores and we enjoy being away Is this real independence is the biggest question to ponder??? Majority point out fingers to modern day politicians to escape, no wonder Freedom in its manifold includes all types of enjoyment and leisure These very reasons led India to the situation of slavery and seizure The value of a thing, depends upon the cost spent in its pursuance The modern day man has really sacrificed very less to gain independence In comparison, the old aged talk more about every single experience For their memories weep for all the mayhem seen, still alive in their remembrance Such days are important in today's life, to know about the 'martyrs' sacrifice The Google's, Fa...