A garden

The best time one spends with children 
Moreoften than not is when they run
Running can be a part of play or it may be without a reason
This can be that pinch of exercise needed for every season

The best place of course is in the open air
Here one can be oneself without the mask on the face which he carries everywhere
The child plays with parents and grows up learning to be fair
In the process the parents also become a child, shouting and laughing, totally unaware

All this requires a major sacrifice from parents side
'Time' from their preoccupied schedule, for everyone is almost died on their return -home ride
Proper planning can however turn favourably this unusual tide
This will definitely work in binding the relationship which visibly has become wide

Today's life in urban areas have become quite complex
No complaining others, as house today means only a duplex 
The necessities have just gone over the roof, where everybody wants to be Rex
Even the expectation are unbeatable as anybody playing Galli cricket expects to represent Sussex 

Simple living high thinking seems to be matter of past
Husband and wife seek space within themselves to absorb the stress, agasht!!
This is to prepare themselves to run next day in this modern world which is fast
The old age saying which has survived the test of time will surely win at last

So, dear readers, luxuries not affordable brings uninvited burden
Enjoy your time with simple doings taking family along to a garden
Watching an IPL match is on similar lines of watching a tele serial, quite often
Both are well scripted but end up creating cracks in relationship to widen

Be mature, live simply, think highly
Communicate properly and live happily!!!


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