A major missing
“Mamaji, mamaji, it is not there,…” huffing and puffing said Satish. “Check carefully, it must be beneath some of the other bags,” Samir replied. “I have checked the entire room thrice, but not able to find it, I’m worried,” emphasizing his problem, explained Satish. “Wait, let us check the room,” confirmed Samir. ---xx--- The entire Mishra family was jubilant. The prince of the family, Satish, had agreed to a marriage proposal after many years of refusal. After completing M. Tech, Satish had flown to the United States and his lifestyle changed dramatically. Having settled there for over five years, he detested the traditions and customs back home. To ensure his parents led a luxurious and contended life, he purchased a flat in posh society in the city which was roughly 40kms away from his village. His respect for his parents was unmatchable, but there was a constant tiff between him and family members on the issue of marriage. They wanted him to get “settle...