

            There have been very few days in my life where I was actually happy, apart from long struggle I have encountered throughout (and practically, no one likes to cry after reading a book/watching a movie), so actually sharing those few days of life where I was actually happy, a fewer more days where I was more happy than being just happy but waiting for the happiest day of my life took 32 years 10 months and 10 days, to be precise.

            To pen down a few happy memories in this long battle of life – my XII results (where I stood 2nd in College and Classes), my S.Y.B.Com results (where I got 99/100 marks in Accountancy). T.Y results where I stood 1st rank in College and Classes, (and coincidentally 1st in Kalyan Taluka also) and at a personal level, I may add my entire schooling days, the days spent with my friends in college, 25th December, 2002 when I purchased my Splendor Bike, 1st January, 2007, when we inaugurated our long cherished dream of a Library and Reading room in kalyan east, all days spent in Heramb with friends and of late, 17th January, 2010 – our reunion of 28 school friends at Biji’s Hut.

            The more happier days – 25th October, 2002 (Foundation Day Of Heramb), 30th July, 2004 (the day my C.A. final results were declared and very strangely, I qualified to be a member of the prestigious ICAI), 3rd September, 2006 (Engagement day, wherein I saw the beautiful Jaya for the 1st time), 25th March, 2007 (Marriage day, wherein I could keep up my commitment and marry Jaya, the same girl I was engaged to).

            But very honestly, the Golden Day of Life Award was stolen by none other than my beautiful daughter, biggest achievement for me only of course (as it may be very common for every other Indian, with population nearing 120 crores). The day – 6th February, 2010, was made beautiful by this angel who landed in our lives.

            Before talking about this golden day, let me start from 7th July, 2009. A yet another historic day in my life as it happens to be birthday of my wife (how can any husband forget his wife’s b’day??? And even if he dares so, whether he will be spared for commiting such a heinous crime….). I said historic not because, it was jaya’s b’day but more because it was on that day her pregnancy was confirmed. What a beautiful Gift Mother Nature had given to Jaya, and we both decided that it should not be disturbed by any other worldly gift or party (and in the process I saved a few rupees or so….. yummy!!). But as everybody understands, I was not spared without a gift later on…. But OK … that’s life man!!! Njoy…. Moving with my story… days passed by… days became weeks and weeks converted into months and we realized that it was her 6th month of pregnancy.

            Being a core south Indian at heart, it was time for “Chimandam” and 22nd November, 2009 was decided as the day to perform this auspicious function. Only few friends and family members were invited and the functions concluded happily. As a tradition, Jaya moved to her house at Hyderabad. Days followed by mere telephone calls with atleast 2 calls each day.

            Two months passed by, and wanting to meet my beloved wife, I decided to go Hyderabad on 14th January, 2010 for a casual visit (to reconfirm my lost love, tooJ). As is said that happier times passes swiftly, the 3 days visit to my in-laws finished sooner than I actually expected. I boarded flight back to Mumbai on 17th January, 2010 (another happier day of my life – my school reunion day – if you remember). The things were moving very smoothly in our lives and we both were anxiously waiting for the D-day – 7th March, which was EDD as per medical reports.

            However, as you all know, there is strange power above all which controls the entire universe, who has already chalked down the sequence of things to happen, had some different plans for our lives too. On 1st February, I received a normal call from Jaya, this time in more serious tone, stating that doctor had observed an abnormality and needed her to be admitted on the day after for a single day.

            Being in Kalyan, I suggested Jaya to follow doctor’s instructions without any doubt in mind. She accepted my suggestion and was admitted to hospital on 3rd February. Something was constantly niggling my mind, and I booked an air ticket dated 5th February to Hyderabad. (and this reconfirms my belief in the Super Power, u will know why at the end, as everyone including Jaya were really not interested in my visit there).

            On 5th February, I directly arrived to Swapna Hospital, Begumpet, Hyderabad (where Jaya was still admitted) @ 1 pm. Coincidentally, it was time for her Sonography. I was natural companion for her at that moment. After Sonographly was completed, the doctor suggested meeting me personally, and gave shocker of my life stating that the complications for which Jaya was actually admitted has increased and a C-Sec needs to be done immediately in the evening/ next day morning. I was confused but nothing was in my hands and I gave consent to the expert to move ahead as she felt proper. She counseled me further and stated that if urgency required the operation will be conducted in the evening or it would be the next day morning. A few tests in the evening confirmed that the operation would be performed next day morning only.

            As an expectant father, I was nervous the entire night, sleeping for not more than 3 hours (whereas sleeping is my favourite hobby). I woke up @ 4.30am and helped Jaya wake up at 5am. The next 2 hrs we ended up talking  about all the issues in our lives and more over, thinking of the addition that was to come up in our lives and planning (constantly disturbed by the nurses/ayahs of the hospital coming to do different tests, as expected). She was taken to O-T at around 7am.

              At around 7.23am a nurse came out of the O.T and insisted that the doctor needed to talk to me, but she did not say anything further and went into O.T again. I was all alone in the corridor and not understanding what to expect and what not to expect? That 1 minute sent a chill down my spine. In that one minute I might not have spared a single GOD who I did not pray to and requesting them to keep things proper and under control. That 1 minute can indeed be called as “The Moment of My Life”.

            That long moment finally ended with a senior doctor coming out of O.T and saying very politely, “We are starting with the operation, Ok”. I felt all my prayers were instantly answered and after that instant relief, I was not in a position to say a single word but just nodded my head with moist eyes.

            Exactly my watch clocked 7.38am we heard the noise of crying baby and were overjoyed, the most happiest people on earth at that moment – Me, My MIL, FIL and BIL. A few moments later the doctor came out and confirmed that it was a Baby Girl @ 7.34am and both mother and baby were safe. All were relieved.

            For the next 2-2 ½ hours telephone bells were ringing, text messages being forwarded and all my friends and realtives being informed that “An Angel” had come in our life. There was a great enthusiasm in the air and everyone was enjoying in his unique way.

            The initial moment of the beautiful angel were just waving hands and legs, crying and winking continuously without any meaning for ½ an hour and then sleeping for the rest of the day and I foolishly spending the entire day just thinking what this beauty told me or making out meaningful statements of that simple gestures.

            The day has almost dawned but a new chapter has already begun in my life… wherein I am trying to understand or give meaning even to those silly things which I had never thought of before. My 1 day old “Vaivi” has spared me a life time to understand what she had actually intended to say by those signs….. May all things fall in place properly and my Heartly felt thanks to all and 0ne for being a part of my over joyous moment of life.


  1. Interesting to know your feelings and the the values attached to to each of them . That really makes you and Mam superb human beings.


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