
Change is the most constant aspect
one should follow this rule to gain respect

Change occurs far off as well as near
and a person has lots of pain to bear
as the person changes who is so dear
may even bring his eyes to tear
for one should make his priorities clear

Priorities changes with times that change
one's habit, choices changes including the price range
one who does not accept this feels it strange
and he has to learn to list his priorities to manage
else this may bring about his mind and health to damage

What was more important in the past
may not be relevant today aghast
The wishlist of every person is vast
and prioritizing the order from first to last
is the biggest challenge in this life, which is moving very fast

A man breaks down instantly
and starts behaving insanely
when His Near and Dear ones replace Him
just like a mobile phone or a new sim

Priroritize things not people!!!


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