
A game that needs no introduction, to say the least
every Indian enjoys this nothing less than a feast

The game is simple, a batsman scores runs during his tenure of stay
the purpose of bowler is to limit the score by taking his wicket in any way

To make it more interesting, a bowler has support in the ground for fielding
placed all over, who not only stop the flow of runs but also do catching and diving

Its a fascinating contest between one v/s eleven
the players confidence and his mental strength gets even

The entire atmosphere is made electrifying by the audience supporting 'their team'
cheering and shouting slogans, to motivate them to win

This game has taken many people(player) to the pinnacle of success
with the rub of the green in his favour, a player performs superbly even under stress

'Never take success to the head and failure to the heart'
Also, 'Practice makes man perfect' is well propagated through this art

Winning, Loosing, Hope, Tackling pressure, Fame
Belief in God, Prayers, all go hand in hand with few acts of Shame

The game in itself, is a dictionary of practical lessons of life, and teaches a lot
Learning being subjective, more the efforts, better the results without a doubt


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