The burden of Expectation

A man has to prove his mettle in life, which moves very fast
Not only being a child but till the day he breathes his last

Being a toddler, parents expect them to perform in front of all
including reciting poems, alphabets, numbers right up to juggling with ball

When a child moves into a school, the real test is to start
The child has to satisfy his peers, teachers and his parents apart

No time to enjoy leisure is the story common, of every home
No time to nurture their hobbies, No time to play a game

Not playing a game is again dangerous for child in many ways
as a child never learns to accept 'loss' on those few unlucky days

This acceptance of loss makes him strong at heart
and the child gets ready to face challenges in life, being smart

Some parents put the burden of Expectation to impress others
Without understanding that freedom for a child can work wonders

Some parent jump to the defense at every problem of the child, even mild
Encouraging at times but can be equally dangerous, as they tend to behave wild

Entering the teens, worsens the situation for a young mind
so much to do with so less resources, also the peer pressure building up from all side

Excelling in academics, winning all the contest
Impressing a loved one, makes the situation worst

Being in love, may be the best feeling at personal level, for anyone
But to satisfy all the needs of love and go against parents, comforts no one

Getting married to the loved one is a blissful experience
However, the list of expectant increases manifold, twice or thrice

The person who spent the first half of his life for the sake of parent
Now has few more people, for whom he is responsible cent percent

The child looks up to his parents to perform consistently, in desperation
So, even  now the person cannot relax, as his own blood is looking up for inspiration

After all the social responsibilities of a person is fulfilled without being backlash-ed
He has to maintain his mannerism, for his image in the society is not damaged

Even when he gains promotion from being a parent to becoming a grand parent
He is not allowed to lead life in his own way, without the tensions of salary or rent

His children expect few things, taking care of grand children especially
And if he fails in that regard, giving priority to his needs, he faces opposition drastically

On the death-bed, he is not spared to relax at his own luxury
For people have less time to take care of the noble soul till it departs peacefully

Whoever has been blessed with the beauty of living a human life
is subject to the curse of 'Expectation' which kills life into pieces like a knife

My humble request to all the readers is 'Minimize this Expectation'
Follow the principle of ' Live and Let live' without botheration.


  1. sir your poem made me rewind my life and watch it all over again... I feel This happens with everyone and somewhere somehow everyone feels the same! nice work sir!

    1. thank you akshay for your encouraging words!!!

  2. simple wrds but the meaning is very deep....took me to my past & then to the coming future in matter of few secs...grt composition sir...:)


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