The Final lecture (2012- 2013)

A teacher is one blessed soul who goes through all emotions in one academic year.

Throughout the year, he always enjoys the tag of being 'Hitler' (one needs to be strict enough for the students to pay attention in the classroom). So Being Angry Young man is shadow of the personality of a teacher.

Some days of the year, he shows the brighter side of his life, wherein he laughs or passes on jokes in the classroom, cheers up the entire students while teaching which makes the lecture more entertaining.

During examination days, he plays the role of a motivator to the core. As the connectivity with students increases, the more examples are in stock in the minds of a teacher, which when shared at right moment, helps students to overcome the tide of anxiety especially those related to appearing exams. In the modern world, with more and more youngsters taking up the challenge of being a teacher, their role in a student's life has grossly increased  as students can easily put up their problems to their immediate teachers.

In case of any unfortunate incident happening in the life of a student, a teacher plays the role of a affectionate guardian and helps the student come out of the trauma in the best possible manner. The emotional maturity of a teacher comes to the fore at such times.

During special days like Teacher's day, Cultural program day, he laughs out his heart in the company of students and also participates in other fun activities of dancing, singing (as per his choice) along with children. This actually help a teacher never grow old in mind (not physically though)....

Though the life of a teacher is very inspiring, very satisfactory, very remunerative, very respectful,  the only negative side of the coin is being a teacher the character demands maximum worth and to keep that clean demands lot of sacrifices, specially at personal level. Also, the emotional trauma to be faced by a teacher are indefinite.

At the end of every academic year, when the students of graduation bid-adieu, the moment is very touchy.... the mouth goes dry, it gets chocked with emotions and tears start oozing,  those people who were a part of daily life, suddenly will not be seen for time to come ..... very difficult moment to digest. The very same feeling where a father bids adieu to his daughter on her marriage.

Difficult to digest but have been doing for the 19th year....... Only HE knows how many more???
Thinking of all my ex-students at this moment....Today was the final lecture of this academic year....2012-13. God Bless You all with his Choicest Blessings now and forever....................................................


  1. this article once again imprinted in the deep roots of my mind how important a teacher is, in my life, showing glances of mentor, father, friend, a beautiful garden spreading happiness, the white doves spreading peace, the dense trees giving shade, knowledge- thousands of books cant give......
    ..........and of all this article gave me that thought which we never want to feel , 'FAREWELL'.......................

    1. Thank you aruna for whatever you have said selflessly.... Jst I would like to say even the last word u said Farewell signifies a teacher's blessings as he wants you to Fare Well in your life.... God bless All.

  2. Sir, We really know How difficult this feeling to digest. because for the last lecture we students also thinking "how can be our mentor or teacher will leaves us!" we felt bad and starts thinking "Life is ends here".because from tommarow We all are missing the discipline teachers without them we couldn't shape our studies. we miss classes , the passing jokes in class room ,the cultural events etc. we miss all the happy & sad moments which we spend in whole year. the teacher , the motivator, the best path creator, the friend without there blessings, we are never be really thank you sir for being part of my life. I miss those days..

  3. Hey Rishi nice to hear frm you after a long lo.g time.... Thnk you... Keep readng nd commenting .... God bless

  4. Such beautiful lines ,they moved me !! Me and raghav always discuss about heramb coaching and specially you and your amazing vision towards anything which is out of the world . You are great friend, fantastic teacher and above all an inspiration.

  5. Sir, your last paragraph is a conclusion of what you have tried to make us understand in the initial para's. Yes, truely agree with you maybe we are not able to understand what goes on in a Teacher's mind when he shouts, shows anger,etc , All I better understand is if we as youngsters cant digest our best buddies or close one's leaving us for the sake of their will you be feeling when a mass crowd of students which is like a snap in ur eye suddenly vanish & walk away for their successful careers. Today I still have the attachment of 2yrs I had spent @Heramb 2006-2008..something grabs me to be there atleast once remembering you all!!
    Hats-off to you Sir, Highly appreciate the way you have taught us certain things which are today useful to us in corporates!!

    Best Luck to all the students & family of Heramb..Hope for the best for results!! :)

  6. U write Very interesting things in ur blogs which i love to read and i appreciate the way u write I want to say that no one in this world can be as selfless as a teacher is no matter at primary level or any other level and people who dnt realize it will do the time they will be appointed as new employee of any organization trust me my personal experience reality hit very hard that u realize how selfish the world is they will tech u only those thing which can bear return to them they will not teach u more in fear that u should not surpass them but a teacher always believe in giving, just look at the face of a teacher when he announces the award to his student or when a student of his gets rewarded he proudly says he/she is my student i thought him /her . teacher is the only one who never get jealous over success of his student or any one who took guidance from them

    AND at the last i would to tell u that Ur in a great profession and not in the run of monster for money this will not only return u money but also more then money i.e RESPECT , LOVE, and blessing .................


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