A day for friends

The only relation we choose after we understand
Other relations are already existing even before we land

No constraint or bias before we shake our hand
Now a days, the trend is to tie on the wrist, a band

This trend of friendship may be new
Accepted by many, rejected by few

A person whom we confide anything under this sky
We believe more than any blood relation, dont know why?

Just being with them gives us some sort of comfort
We feel we can achieve everything with their support

The fact is that these idiots encourage our every activity
Whether logical or not, correct or wrong, in or out of city

This gang stands firmly behind us in most odd situation
Our partners in crime & held responsible for our action

This idiot or a gang, whose relation can never end
Is none other that that of a friend!!!

A friend is a 'sacred' word to have in our life
Unknowingly gains a position above husband or wife

The best part is you need not to be special or formal or wise
After an agressive fight with foul words, just hug to compromise

A true friend is so easily available but still rare
Be as normal as possible but "handle with care"

Let go your ego when you are with your friend
For if you let go your friend it would be your "End"

Happy Friendship Day is the only mantra of the day
Let your hairs down, shake legs, or just be there, I say.

The facebooks, twiters and other have added spice in today's fest

Still trust is the only base on which this friend'ship' floats the best

The survival of this pure relation is many a times put to test

But this relation is so strong that that it proves itself everywhere, west or east.


  1. very true lines sir,,,,dese things make friends " LIFE"

  2. Speechless !!!! each n every line so true so factual ... just <3 it .. Thank u sir

  3. awesum sir..... :) a lot about friendship..... :)

  4. Wonderful and very tru yaar...Vishu...its really touching tht xxxx u'll make me cry:) V shud b thankful to Amit for having organised school Re-union aftr 22yrs.
    Happy for u & may u succeed in life dost...:)


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