The Daily Start

Everyday I go for my morning walk in a park
I find many people walking, some ready on their mark
It is generally dawn, no lights almost dark
Accompanying some are the faithful dogs, who seldom bark

In such a jovial environment, peace exist
No mark of tension of daily routine, not even a bit
The elderly have a good time with peers before they exit
Fresh Oxygen gives a pleasant feeling to add to benefit

Amongst all these things moving around normally
A fire brigade vehicle was stationed motionlessly
Everyday the driver would self start the engine vigorously
I had a doubt, was this exercise absolutely necessary?

The driver explained me the simple reason for this
If the engine is not started daily, giving a valid  logic for the miss
Then the vehicle may be stranded and be motionless as it is
on the day it is required the most, further worsening the crisis

What a simple yet powerful message to learn
Applicable for all fields this life, irrespective of what you earn
There may be hundreds of passions you may have nurtured within
The failure of  'daily start' has buried it deep inside with life very thin

All those who read these lines, may take this message to heart
'Daily Start' is a need for everything which lie in your wish cart
All the hand made things are both costly and less available in the local mart
Boost up your energies, remember the Almighty and nurture your art


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. awesome sir... the last two paras is very good..
    And thank you sir for the message..... Daily Start...
    yes its necessary..

  3. Ur article Daily start is worth reading....Many a times it happens tht v r caught up n daily routine & feel tht some new thing should happen to make our boring routine life interesting...Actually this thought of learning new thing itself brings positivity and gives us to move forward.


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