
The prompt word 'Melody' put me in a fix since yesterday
I was thinking about the word till I hit the bed, all through the day

A few melodious songs  I heard yesterday before falling asleep
'Melody' was still the word in my when i woke  after the beep

'Melody', the chocolate with an advertisement could be forgotten by none
But to write lines on these with that memory was a challenging one

Music is one of the finest form of meditation and relaxation
The knowledge of its components, though was beyond my imagination

The melody, Rhythm, Notes, Chords, Core progression and what not
If you are surprised, I got from Google, just like anyone thought

Melody is a flowing sequence of Notes, it changes Notes over time
Melody is created with change in scale , was a learning prime

You learn new words, write and get review by many in the troop
The Friday word is not missed by many from within our group

Sometimes, the feeling is awesome, for we all weave around any word
The best part is we express ourselves and keep flying high like a bird



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