
The words 'Finish' and 'Complete' are used interchanably
Even the dictionary terms them as Synonms used widely
There is a thin line of difference between the two
There are many instances where replacing does not suit too

Sharing a few examples which comes to mind
Hope you read ahead and I'm able to bind
Finish is  derived from a Latin Word - Finitum
Completed is derived from Latin word - Completum

A Semi-circle is not a Complete Circle for sure to say
Even though the child has finished his homework for the day
The breakfast served is said to be 'finished' not completed
Any Course registered is generally to said to be Completed

Its said, the Complete collection of music albums is awesome
Finishing an incomplete project is priority for some
An incomplete form filled may be a Finished job for a guy
Answers to many of questions may be irrelevant for him to buy

Why did Katappa kill Bahubali irked minds of everyone
when audience Finished watching Bahubali One
Their minds found peace after Part Two was released
The story got completed and the entire plot was revelaed

It is said that language is the mother of all inventions
Complete knowledge will help anyone enjoy all creations
Humbleness is learnt by the one who finished reading many books
Shouting and screaming is done by many based on external looks

Finishing a Course fetches a degree either today or tomorrow
Complete knowledge helps a person live happily even with sorrow
Rather than just Finishing a Task on hand at a faster pace
It is important to Complete the Task with grace and become an Ace



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