The Timeless Adorable Guy

Never was there so much hype before anyone’s birth

The unethical burden on sages, compelled them pray through hymns

On a No-Moon night, you melodramatically entered this earth

Adorable was the way, you were replaced by a ‘nymph’!!!

Your infantile stories shared by every person even today

All your juvenile games were known to have some intention

You rule the heart and minds of modern man in your own way

Adorable was your childhood, intended to release all the tension!!!

You are a master of all the games, an uncrowned king

On affecting the purpose of your birth, you blessed the world

Your role as a motivator, leader and mentor was jaw-dropping

Adorable was your character, as and when it unfurled!!!

For your ‘Parth’ and the world, you sang the most adorable song

Encompassing the truth of life, holding lessons to learn lifelong


  1. Loved this so much sir!!...specially the title "timeless adorable guy"..this one is so adorable just like the blue boy! 💙🥺


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