
A ring that makes two hearts spring with joy 
A ring that enjoys romantic songs we sing and enjoy
A ring that gives life a wing to fly and overcome strife
A ring that makes a queen and a king for life
This is the Engagement ring!!!

A ring that binds two lives unknown to each other 
Brings two families living with different beliefs together 
Adds newer emotions to the life to explore fully 
Introduces new characters who behave abnormally 
This is the marriage ring!!!

The ring becomes a moral binder to stay together 
The two involved commit their life and not betray each other 
Through the thick and thin they promise to survive
Though difficult they manage each other's ego and thrive
This is the commitment ring!!!

The ring which started being a temporary commitment
With passage of time becomes  permanent
The family increases in numbers depicting growth 
The circumference of the ring increases covering more people than both
This is the Life Ring!!!

Before one realises many get added to the family ring
From one person the responsibility moves to everything 
The power of a simple ring is much more than actually seen
The customs and traditions add more colours to this family scene 
That is a Family ring!!!

Birth, childhood, teenage, manhood, old age moves in a circular way
To attain Moksha is everyone's ultimate goal of life to say
The task is doing good for self, and society every given day
He, who is formless, makes a note of every act in this life play
That is the Karma Ring!!!


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