New Education Policy 2020 - My views

The New Education Policy 2020 was approved by the Union Cabinet bringing about transformational reforms in the Schooling system as well Higher Education existing in our Country.

A first glimpse of the Policy highlights various positive initiatives w.r.t development in the World of Education. To be at par with international level, it is absolutely necessary to revamp the entire existing system. 

The NEP 2020 proposes to change the existing 10+2 pattern to a 5+3+3+4. The Concept of Education through Play for the toddlers is a Wonderful thought process which would be coupled with Teachers Training for the same simultaneously. 

Further, to improve the basic learning and writing through a National Mission for students of 6 years to 9 years is appreciable too. At the next stage, The concept of Skill development through Vocational Training and Internship would be path breaking thought process. 

Also introducing Coding at 6th Grade is an appreciable move to bring out revolution in  the field of Technology. The thought process of giving away Board Exams at 10th and 12th levels and introducing 8 semester exams may prove to be a boon in disguise to release unnecessary pressure of scoring numbers to prove student's knowledge.

Apart from the Schooling level, major changes are proposed at Higher Education level as well. The steps taken are bold and hints at being flexible from a student point of view. The concept of multiple entry and exit is the best but this would prove to be the most challenging aspect as well. 

The decision of merging of UGC , AICTE at the helm would be herculean task on hand. Also the choice of multiple subjects at Major and Minor level is wonderful. The concept of Credit transfer is innovative and helpful to the students community at large. 

The Concept of National Research Foundation to support and increase Research work sounds awesome wherein Research Funding would be provided to Research Scholars in all fields - Science as well as other areas of Research. 

Announcement of Virtual labs in sync with technological advancement is notable. The bold decision of merging all Universities - Government / Private/ Deemed /Open/ Vocational and make a Standard Institution is challenging task too. The standardised fee and the Fee Cap on private institutes, as announced would bring about revolution in the field of education for sure. 

The option given to students to get a Basic Certification after 1st year of education, Diploma after 2nd year and Degree after 3rd year hints at boosting concept of Earn & Learn. Also, the introduction of 4 years of Graduation System for Research Scholars, followed by 1 year of Post graduation and further 4 years of PhD paves away the need of doing M.Phil.

The key takeaways from this draft NEP 2020 is Abolishing Rote System of Learning and introducing Learning by Doing from early Childhood days. The craze of Scoring numbers as marks and all tensions associated along will be totally done with now. 

The concept of Standardised University (Single) at the helm would be helpful for students community. Also, multiple stream choice would develop various artist and sportsperson and  provide them opportunity to excel and get recognition. Multiple entry and exit option along with Credit bank is a master stroke by the Makers of the Law.

However, no work is Perfect unless implemented effectively. While NEP 2020 is watertight at draft level, the execution would be far more challenging at ground level. It is generally observed that the thinkers and the Doers are at two different ends and many policies fail to get implemented as drafted.

On critical analysis, it is found that providing initial training in Mother tongue (as provided) may hamper learning of other languages. While a child can cope up with many languages at the early stage, introducing other languages later may not be appreciated by all. 

There needs to be clarity regarding introduction of English language as all further studies are proposed to be conducted in English only and it has become an Universal language today. Also, Teachers (especially at the lower levels) need to be provided proper training. As Government is aware that the interior villages face major problem of having quality teachers in such areas. Also, their remuneration and packages will have to be worked upon. 

The Fee cap can prove to be major area of Challenge as well. Many stalwarts in the Education houses may object to this clause. 

Though the challenges are huge, Government is set to make its mark and revolutionise Education Industry for the betterment. If the Implementation is not compromised, we can see a newer version of India after 20 years. It is to be noted that every proposed draft policy is perfect but when some clauses are adjusted to suit any individual or a class of people, the entire structure falls down unexpectedly. 

Dear student friends, nothing is going to change overnight, Ministry of Education has planned a systematic implementation with various deadlines. So, its not going to affect you directly immediately. You need to continue with your existing set of rules and Board exams but be aware of announcements made regularly. Do not Panic and believe in rumours!!!

As a parent I look forward to the proposed changes and hope to see a better version of existing system but being a Class owner (teacher) it throws a new set of Challenges to the existing ones!!!



  1. Superbly explained.

    I totally agree with your views...

  2. You have shed light on what was a confused darkness for parents and students alike. Like you have aptly pointed out what appears wonderful on paper needs to be meticulously implemented as well to avoid,as the adage goes,' there's many a slip between the cup and lip' scenario. Change is inevitable so we need to collectively put our best foot forward and work to make things better in the education field to truly make the world better for all

    1. You always have been a source of inspiration!!! Thank you for showering of blessings through words!!!

  3. Excellent post. Explained the new policy in simple and clear manner. Yes, hope it’s implemented well as it could bring a revolutionary change in our educational system.


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