A Habit formed is very difficult to get rid of
The mind plays a major role to get it knocked off
A good habit plays an important role to improve
It helps a person grow as well as keep in the groove
A diary writing habit presumes numero uno position always
Presenting facts and events earns brownie points in many ways
The most important aspect which is worth considering
All facts, events remain fresh and helps a man in sharing
The best part of diary writing being it's informal in nature
The language, the style of writing, the context never feature
This is always a secretive book for years together
It is the most valued possession for its keeper in every weather
A Diary knows its owner the best without any second thought
Better than the closest relatives with whom shelter he has sought
The diary is a direct relationship between mind, pen, and paper
The owner may be simpleton actually appearing to be a draper
The diary is a bitter truth for many readers to accept the fact
For it is written for self and the writer has nothing to act
The most fearful feature of a diary being its bluntness
The reader must read the content with all mental readiness
Diaries of visionaries, scientists, freedom fighters, historians are precious
Movies, books, poems, acts based on their contents are infectious
Such diaries need preservation to the core, for their unknown potential
Everyone can learn about the greatness of character and mind exponential
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