
 The word prompt made me travel time,

Land me back to my school days, prime.

Those days were sweet as the melody of a song,

Brimming with innocence, all along.

Those days every student played a game

With a  friend or crush, called Flame

Flame was Friendship, Love, Affectionate

Marriage or Enemy, as they would resonate

Finding common alphabets with two name

Counting and cutting the alphabets in Flame

They would arrive at a conclusion

The two names would then have a relation

Funny it may seem today, thinking of flame

Complex relationships sorted by a word game

Innocence, faith, trust within created a cult

Many even ran away fearing a negative result

Children today are so matured and sensible

Understanding relationships are indispensable

they would not test its depth by a paper game

Furthermore, worry of the outcome and blame


  1. Good job .puraane din yaad kara diye

  2. It reminded school memories. Really time to think for parents about children. The very fact is nicely put up


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