Black Friday

Poetrystyle - Alphamber -Alphabets based, number increasing each line - Introduced by Dr. Vishu

 Black Friday
Costs dear lives
Devastated the Mumbai city
Etched pains in the heart
Felling anger, desperation in the mind
Games played from across the nation’s boundaries
Helpless, poor people facing the wrath of revenge

Jaundiced mind
Kept in dark
Labeling their sacrifice supreme
Mind fed with poisonous thoughts
Narrating heart-wrenching stories on community people
Objectively planting hatred in the mind, heart
Pained with tortures, a normal guy becomes terrorist

Religion and
Sacred books regularly
The innocent get trapped
Unaware of mala fide intentions
Visibly driven blindfolded by some culprits
Wade through the roads laden with thorns
Xing within minds, confused, undecided, during this mission

Zapped lifetime.


  1. A very strong point- a malady!
    If only the youth open their eyes and see!
    Fantastic structure too!
    Master poet!


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