The Vaccum

The time you lose a near one

You realise the sudden vacuum

Blank within and outside

you 'cry' missing your dear one

As the sad news spreads

Friends and relatives pour in

You realise nothing around

Calls and messages you receive

Every person provides a shoulder

A few people share words of wisdom

Some shower love silently while

Others provide strength by presence

When friends, relatives arrive

The 'cry' now seeks their shoulder 

The grief you share on arrival

Depends on the depth of the relationship

The more you connect to a person

the more anguish you express

Their response you bother least

Deep within, a relief you feel

Many realisations at that time

The importance of being good to all

Serving everyone without expectation

May reduce the pain of regret later

The pain of losing a close relative

very difficult to digest at that time

the more helping hands you have 

the easier you tide over the loss


  1. Its True..

    Same feeling had this year early, when my Dad left me n my family alone...


  2. Vishu take care yourself and family , each and every word I can feel.

  3. Very true.....each and every word is heart touching

    1. Vishu sir take care of yourself. You are indeed very strong dear

    2. Your pain and anguish is palpable Vishu. May peace gently descend on all hearts!


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