The Matchstick


Every ignited mind is a match-stick

Ready to fire at the slightest flick

A boon as fire spreads all around quick

A bane when used by mind that is sick


The success of revolutionary movements

Largely belonged to the gang of students

Those who voluntarily joined without judgments

Gave everything with full commitments


Mother India has experienced it all

The flame of freedom lit and gave a call

Many sons of the soil joined, big or small

They kept arising after every fall


Many match-sticks did became useless

Losing their own spark, they became juiceless

Some tamed by Britishers making them toothless

Others falling prey to offers being clueless


A few of the match-sticks though fought brilliantly

They sacrificed their lives, kindled the fire consistently

Freedom is the result of that fire burning persistently

Those young matchsticks held the flame resiliently


A match-stick is a perfect example of controlled aggression

While it can ignite the fire to cook food for any session

The match-stick can also cause a jungle fire in oppression

It’s use depends upon the person in command position







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