

Hey all, welcome to this kingdom you are sure to get rid of the boredom Have loads of uninterrupted joy and fun that you have missed in the busy life, you run In this kingdom, there are no restrictions what so ever you may become a character that you think, whatever In a moment you can become a King with anybody as assisting you in you wing Giving orders to all, including your bosses For every other day you are made responsible for all his losses Immediately you may travel to far off places within a second it can be high mountains, deep valleys, dense forest without any end You can enjoy what can one can think in his wildest dream Being at north pole, still enjoying your favorite ice-cream The next moment you may choose to be inside the deepest sea divine swimming next to huge whales, sharks and all creatures marine Being exhausted you may just enter your huge bungalow With exotic designs and interiors having a fair glow Just as you are in your deepest slumb


A word that can change the world of the person involved Life becomes anti climax of an otherwise routine work going around Every accident may not be intentional But it is always the end result of a thought very irrational Accidents occur almost every second as the world clock ticks All related lives are affected as there is a shake in the family wall of bricks The running of the ambulance on roads is a live example of the same The culprit involved are moving around free without any shame The impact of an accident is worser than a nightmare The human system is affected badly in every aspect including body hardware The broken bones may be rejoined but after involving a huge cost this not only includes cost of medication but also involves the time lost The family has to sacrifice a lot after every accident is a real fact Everything has to be resorted, which has been scattered by a irrational act Every moving ambulance makes ME aware of the silent prayers murmured

Women's Day

Its very interesting to observe the reaction of a man When he knows there is a special day for 'woman' The Ego within takes control & he immediately declares a ban But the Wiser mind advises Him to take note of his action plan He surely understands his plan has gone for a toss For She is in many a ways become His Boss If He dares ignore her, it will be his biggest loss For the Sacrifices made by Her is for the family's cause The Traditional man, was pampered for being a king always Without the farthest knowledge of the role his better-half plays She spent her life burning self, to strengthen the pots of clays taking care of family and balancing her life in many a ways Today, the tables have gone upside down, change is in the air Women have understood, even the nature supports being fair She knows most of the actions of the men are just a 'show of dare' but finally, She is the Tortoise in the race between tortoise and the hare. Happy Women

The Daily Start

Everyday I go for my morning walk in a park I find many people walking, some ready on their mark It is generally dawn, no lights almost dark Accompanying some are the faithful dogs, who seldom bark In such a jovial environment, peace exist No mark of tension of daily routine, not even a bit The elderly have a good time with peers before they exit Fresh Oxygen gives a pleasant feeling to add to benefit Amongst all these things moving around normally A fire brigade vehicle was stationed motionlessly Everyday the driver would self start the engine vigorously I had a doubt, was this exercise absolutely necessary? The driver explained me the simple reason for this If the engine is not started daily, giving a valid  logic for the miss Then the vehicle may be stranded and be motionless as it is on the day it is required the most, further worsening the crisis What a simple yet powerful message to learn Applicable for all fields this life, irrespective of what you earn Th

Tackling Situations

Every moment  he stepped on the street And found people run away rather than greet He thought the reason may be the heat Nothing else jolted his mind, for he was so sweet!!! People spoke of high achievement made by him on his face The pinnacle of success he touched from a normal base They appreciated His generosity, his contribution and his grace He believed their words and moved ahead in life in normal pace But the harsh realities of life exposed slowly and steadily The very same people spoke ugly behind his back selfishly The talks were more of rumours than reality, spreading unnecessarily Unknown people were created a picture in mind rather unfairly He was very depressed as talks were becoming murkier by each passing day Everyone around him spoke and he was hardly given a chance to say But then, he believed in fortune and that bad times will  move away Sun will again shine in his life and all responsible will have a price to pay Every person, living this modern

Teacher's Day

A day to celebrate the birthday of Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan The students make it a point to enjoy with  lots of celebration and fun As the day belongs to people, who generally work to inculcate discipline Among those who are happy-go-lucky and actually are not very keen A teacher may be in good books of few students, as many prefer to stay away For the methods adopted while correcting a wrong step may not be pleasing anyway But it is the work of the teacher play such a role His vision is to create a disciplined student with proper goal Academics is a part of everyone's life which is mandatory And the paradox is that students hate to study and add to their worry They feel like they are birds born to fly high in the sky Bogged down unnecessarily by the burden, which makes them cry A teacher and student stand at two stages of life with different priority A student should understand that every act of teacher is aimed at student's prosperity At that stage of

Thinking for others....

In this modern world, where time is moving so very fast People are running behind time to earn and save for the last In this race, people become mean and self interested to the core Their world starts and ends with their family of four At such times, if 'you' think about others with helping intention Nothing can be more appreciated in this age of intense competition Your step taken for lending a helping hand to needy and poor In turn may make your life contented and worth living, for sure Charity can be in any form, either donation in cash or providing service common Your initiative today will go a long way to revive the life of many or at least one God Bless you all now and forever!!! Lord Krishna is playing with us just here!!! HAPPY JANMASTAMI!!!

Wah re bhagwan!!!

I search you, call u daily, but never find you Feeling disappointed, i search for ways new But when i am in deep problem, which seems to remain forever You come and solve as if nothing existed ever I am sure my belief in you can never cease With such timely interventions, the faith is sure to increase Many argue about your existence, give rational argument, make us speechless The biggest question though is we have very little to prove, for you are formless The Proof of your existence is best felt at personal level at different phase  For you are a friend, a philosopher, a guide,  play different role in different case There are mixture in every living element of life, some believers others not Only love can spread the fragrance of your being, rather than battles fought My experiences says every atheist believes you more than the firm believers The only difference is they wander around searching for the existence of yours !!!Bappa morya - Om sai ram - Saranam ayyappa!!!

Independence Day

This Independence Day, we celebrate with so much enthusiasm and zeal For we are lucky to have a proper shelter, enough clothing and daily meal We shake hands, greet each other merrily and even plan an outing for this day For we are 'Free' for this day from the routine chores and we enjoy being away Is this real independence is the biggest question to ponder??? Majority point out fingers to modern day politicians to escape, no wonder Freedom in its manifold includes all types of enjoyment and leisure These very reasons led India to the situation of slavery and seizure The value of a thing, depends upon the cost spent in its pursuance The modern day man has really sacrificed very less to gain independence In comparison, the old aged talk more about every single experience For their memories weep for all the mayhem seen, still alive in their remembrance Such days are important in today's life, to know about the 'martyrs' sacrifice The Google's, Fa

Youngistan and Parents....

The generation whom I am in constant touch for many a year Teaching, training, counselling for they are very dear They are a perfect example of real life wanderer Failing to stand to the expectations made by elder Parents are stuck in awe due to the sudden change Generation gap, peer pressure, and all, included the range They are god-gifted in many respect But lack of discipline, confused mind make them a failure aspect Not understanding their priority to decide the line of action Their mind wavers as to the person to approach for solution A friend is more reliable, say many after thinking for long The parents have to face the burnt, when things go abruptly wrong Experience of parents are handy to solve the problems generally mild The mind does not follow the heart, and also prevents the child This in turn creates an atmosphere of doubt among the two Creating lot of tension and discontent too The ego factor wiggles its tail more often Worsens the situation, makes the h

A day for friends

The only relation we choose after we understand Other relations are already existing even before we land No constraint or bias before we shake our hand Now a days, the trend is to tie on the wrist, a band This trend of friendship may be new Accepted by many, rejected by few A person whom we confide anything under this sky We believe more than any blood relation, dont know why? Just being with them gives us some sort of comfort We feel we can achieve everything with their support The fact is that these idiots encourage our every activity Whether logical or not, correct or wrong, in or out of city This gang stands firmly behind us in most odd situation Our partners in crime & held responsible for our action This idiot or a gang, whose relation can never end Is none other that that of a friend!!! A friend is a 'sacred' word to have in our life Unknowingly gains a position above husband or wife The best part is you need not to be special or formal or wise Aft

Sometimes or Always

Two words bonded closely with each other Used exclusively such that latter replaces former Few luxuries of life can be enjoyed thoroughly only sometimes For the cost of daily living would be unbearable if used all times Every creation of god which is natural can be consumed always For it is generally free and helpful for human life in many ways Every creation of man which is artificial need to be used rarely For it is having its own cost of creation with usage to be done carefully Experts insists one peg of whisky makes a heart healthy and hale, but only sometimes The problem of man is that peg does not stop at one and becomes habit for all times Even tobacco consumption sometimes may not be hazardous But regular use of it or habit makes living of human life dangerous Among the things that needs to be practiced always, is hard work, self-discipline, respect Today's people feel it difficult to follow even for sometimes, failing to deliver what elders expect  

Rules ... Rules... Rules ...

If being a child u did not.... ... cry for every small matter ... laugh in the vry nxt moment ... jump and fall inspite of being warned ... get hurt badly all over everyday What else did you really do then??? While going to school, u did not... ...  like to go to school ... do your homework ... go out of classroom for reasons unknown ... do silly mischief being with friends What else did you really do then??? While in college, u never.... ... bunked your lectures sometimes ... went out for an outing with friends ... submitted assignment of your friend in your name ... collected idiots in life called as friends What else did you really do then??? In regular life, u did not.... ... make mistakes that could have been ... lazy out with friends doing nothing ... spend time without any purpose ... take out time for family leisurely What else did you really do then??? Life is a serious affair, no doubt One needs to be committed at all levels Follow discipline a


When you are tired or disinterested, you yawn Generally, it might the time you wake up in dawn A very dangerous carrier by itself in many  a way Spreads to the person observing you near or far away The yawning of a single member in audience irritates the speaker For the number increases drastically and that too much quicker Though yawning face of a kid is wonderful exhibiting tender cuteness Also, a lover dies to see the yawning of his lady love with all her laziness What an emotion inbuilt within the human face!!! It makes me think, but I do know its a creation of Almighty & we must just praise!!!


Growing is a natural process in everyday life just like any other activity We eat, we sleep, we walk, we run, everything we do is our natural duty Growth can be measured and recorded in numericals This growth is very good and it can be precise even upto decimals The attitude of a person marks the growth which is not measureable Even the assets grows drastically making a mark of what he is capable The immeasurable growth is more dangerous and complex Never do we understand what runs in the mind which is perplex 'Action speaks louder than words' goes the saying generally Ego takesover such mind, which otherwise accepts things normally Growth is not a negative aspect in any regard For growth can lead to development of self and social guard Only a person who satisfies his family needs properly at all time Has the right frame of mind for community service sublime A child grows to become a man over a period of time naturally His approach towards life depends how he mat


Watch your thoughts for its becomes your action Watch your actions for it becomes your habits Watch your habits for it becomes your behaviour Watch your behaviour for it becomes your character Watch your character for it defines 'you' Is a saying which is applicable to all generations, old and new Habits are an integral part of upbringing from childhood to manhood Nobody ever understands when hobbies actually becomes habits Habits are always double edged swords in life It can be relaxing at times, levying a huge cost some other times equally Generally a man develops habits along with his peer This helps him in overcoming clouds of depression and makes his face cheer Habits make the person slave of the actions he undertakes to do voluntarily The consistency of his actions sets an alarm in his mind permanently This is when such actions leads to destruction at all levels - self, family and society Self destruction is one of the major side effects and he becomes t


God created this world,  full of amazing things all around Human beings could find few but many are yet to be found His creation makes the most intelligent human mind marvel While watching the mountains, the rivers and beauty passing by during travel Every inch of nature is beautifully carved with endurance as an integral feature Providing an opportunity of survival for all living beings including smallest creature The creation of animals made the man God merrier as they are very faithful HE provided different strengths and weakness to keep everyone alert and watchful The internal check on all creations of nature is an illusion of HIS magical touch Every living being which bears a curse, is blessed with power to overcome that crunch The powers may be explicit or may be deep rooted inside, depending upon many factors Internal strength is superior to the external, bringing it to fore needs overcoming many detractors All these creations of Almighty is existent and almos


Change - the most constant factor in this human life Had change not occurred, our lives would not been so comfortable Those who are unable to digest 'Change' create strife Many argue that change should not be so fast but slow and stable No argument actually passes the test of time successfully Their argument is fake for they do not have the courage to face the change The easiest option at such times is to take on the challenge tactfully Initial disappointments are a reality but the important aspect is to manage The world we survive today is a result of consistent change over period of time All the technological benefits we enjoy today are fruits of research and development Every field of human life is blessed with advanced features, providing a sense of sublime Every natural thing is created artificially, so precisely and perfectly, without any argument Changes to illustrate has affected our living in a large way Education has changed, the way it is imparted to


Value is a subjective issue, it depends on so many factors, some controlled some not Out of sight - out of mind, a common concept on which 'value' of value is got Observations conclude 'value' tends to be least for things received with minimum effort Contrarily,the 'value' of things is greatest when time taken is maximum to gain control of the fort An most important aspect is that 'value' is associated with person involved genuinely  Also, Value is based on priorities, changing with changing times regularly The value of a person increases as a result of the good deed The help, the charity, he extends to the society selflessly at the time of need The more he is involved in social commitment The larger is his need in the society and thus increase in the giving sentiment However, his family may not accept such a behaviour Where majority time is spent for survival and leisure time on becoming social saviour Balance is wh

The shame

Cricket in India is unofficially declared as our national game Fans support the team unconditionally & bring lot of acclaim A few names erupt from nowhere and reach the pinnacle of fame Also, many are held in high esteem and become household name Such players should know the secret of such respect, is none than the game For Cricket is immortal and players are temporary carrier of this flame The players should bear that playing fair game should be their only aim For when greediness takes over mind, no one accept what they claim A few players, out of sheer foolishness, make it lame And offer opportunity to critics to fire from all sides for the same Finally, their act of irresponsibility makes them accept the blame Hurting the sentiments of a true follower and hang his head in shame