
"May I come in, Sir?" asked Puneet knocking the door of Municipal Commissioner's Office. 

Puneeet was 45 year volunteer working for a local NGO providing food to locals and policemen in the line of duty for the past 3 weeks. He was a affluent personality in the society and always put his hands up in times of natural disasters or crisis like Covid 19. The NGO was constantly receiving request for help from all quarters of the society. They started preparing food packets for 500 people for the first few days which rose to 7000+ over past few weeks. Commissioner had called him in person to discuss strategies to serve the local policemen, municipal workers and society at large currently as well for weeks to come.

"Yes, come in" said the stern voice of Commissioner. Puneet was joined with his friend Ramesh for this meeting. As soon as Puneet opened the door, he was surprised to see Shri. Manohar Sir as the Commissioner of this city specially appointed to handle the ever rising cases of corona virus. 

Puneet exclaimed, "Sir, its so heartening to see you again in our city. When did you join"

Manohar sir replied "Its been two days that i have been assigned additional charge of this city. When I read the list of people serving the city, your name popped up, and I called you for this meeting".

Smilingly, Puneet asked, "Do you still have the same breakfast, which you had 5 years back?". The Commissioner nodded in affirmative and both put their heads into planning for city. The meeting extended for 2 hours and many positive outcomes of the plans were drawn up through Public-Private Partnership Model for the city.

As they were coming out of office, Ramesh asked about the breakfast episode which Puneet had shared inside the office. Puneet narrated that, he had met Sir 5 years back in his hometown. Those days Sir was a student preparing for UPSC exams but still very socially active, Both met during one such natural disaster relief work.

Next day, before the relief work started, while everyone was gathering, Manohar sir and Puneet had an informal talk where in Puneet asked sir about having had his breakfast. 

To this, Manohar replied, "Yes sir, I drank 2 glass of Water". 

"What??" Puneet asked in excitement. 

Puneet suggested him to have stomach full of breakfast because during such social works, there was no guarantee of tea or lunch or anything else during the entire day. He was correct to a large extent too.

Manohar cooly replied, "Sir, its not that, I cannot afford breakfast today, but since childhood, I have this habit of drinking 2 glass of water as breakfast.  Coming from a family which could not afford breakfast, today i have grown to earn decently but my values remain the same. While poverty may break some, it made me more stronger to serve the society at large. My share of breakfast will help someone to eat and survive another day. So, I'm absolutely okay and you need not worry about my healthy. Also, please do not pity upon me as my mission and vision of life are clearly defined"

Puneet was almost in tears and they set off for the activity that day.

"Our city is probably in the safest hands and we will come out of  victorious in this war over corona pretty soon" said Puneet putting his hands over shoulder of Ramesh as they reached the parking lot.

Puneet had more confidence on Manohar sir for the integrity, honesty and awareness displayed by the young man few years back and most importantly, it continued even now. A person who has risen from the rags and still understands the pulse of people can never fail to deliver. Manohar sir is an Officer which every city needs and without a doubt, city will be cheerful even during worst crisis!!!

2 glass of water!!!

Jai Hind!!!


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