
 The question which always arises in mind

Who is asleep and who is awake  to unwind

The one who is in deep slumber due to pain

can be easily awakened as he got rest, to regain

The one with closed eye pretending to be asleep 

Can never be awakened for he has never been to sleep

The question which always arise in mind

Who is asleep and who is awake  to unwind

A Student who ignored academics as he was pampered many ways

and he struggles in his career as education took a backseat always 

Or a student who slogged out even with difficulties from childhood

And emerged to be successful by the time he gained fatherhood

The question which always arise in mind

Who is asleep and who is awake  to unwind

The one who always runs away from his responsibility

Giving the lamest excuse on the earth exhibiting disability

or The one who does the work allotted once in a blue moon

and floods the entire social media even before noon

The question which always arise in mind

Who is asleep and who is awake  to unwind

The one who practiced gratitude for smallest thing he gained

Serves his parents to the best of his abilities though little pained

or the one who finds a "old age home"  with all facilities international

For his large mansion and car failed to manage two lives additional

The question which always arise in mind

Who is asleep and who is awake  to unwind

My life lessons which I share with everybody

Awakening of the soul is more important than the body

This happens with a little jerk at different age

Some during childhood, for others its during or beyond teenage

The question which always arise in mind

Who is asleep and who is awake to unwind


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