
A Child uses this word to avoid Cane 
A Dad uses it to shield his everyday pain 

A person in trance gives this as an answer to everyone
For he does not like to share his piece of mind to anyone

This is the answer to many questions of this world
It is observed tears often flow, after uttering this word

There is a strong obsession attached to 'Nothing'
For there is a huge world within this word existing

Strong emotions exhibited by many causing mental trauma
This is the start point of delivering emotional drama

There is a different world too which co-exists in 'Nothing'
All meditation therapies involves doing 'nothing' for relaxing 

In this fast moving world of digitalisation and automation
A man is moving continuously for more and more innovation

He feels doing 'nothing' is a crime by many in this society
As moving hands of Clock increases his palpitation and anxiety

Seldom does he understand that he is on the wrong track of life
Even though his growth is faster, it brings along agony and strife

Mighty waves in the middle become meek and submissive at shores
A man realises a similar feeling after he completes lifetime chores

The earlier the realisation, the happier times he enjoys
Being contended with things on hand, will add to his joys

This life is a beautiful passage of time with near and dear ones
Value of people rather than things needs to realised at once

There is everything even if you have nothing 
There is nothing even if you have everything 


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