Every login has a password Some logical, some absurd Alpha, number, symbol always preferred Such combination makes one a perfect nerd A strong password is a boon A security at morning, night or noon A bane for those who forget it soon Creates a panic situation, making him behave like a cartoon This modern world promotes this unlocking feature Like or dislike it cannot be skipped by any creature Though there is an escape route for every forgetful teacher To click ‘Forgot Password’ and follow given procedure Easier the password, it is easier to guess the same Many keep a simple password using their first name Such passwords have a high risk of losing the game When attacked, the user feels helpless and lame Oldies are still not convinced in this password regime The login system doesn’t suit their nature, it may seem The digitalization era is outside their wildest dream They still believe and trust, only the power of Supreme The younger generation is fast and enjoys this system ...